Build faster, smarter, automated web & mobile services with style for the business with taste: the future is now!

Project 1

Logic Gate Simulator

An app that simulates the functions of the seven basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. The app also displays the truth tables and output values for each logic gate and circuit.

Project 3

Flash Card Learning App

I created an interactive flash card web app that lets users create custom decks of cards, test their knowledge in timed sessions, and track their progress with statistics. The web app is fully responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and devices. It is also scalable and can be reused for other purposes that require flash card functionality.

Project 4

Space Shooter Game

This is a retro-inspired space shooter game that challenges the player with progressively harder levels. I composed the original soundtrack to match the game's style and mood.